Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tuesday. "Two-day"

It's Tuesday. That is a fact that is hard to deny.

What've I done so far? I've worked, dropped my car off at Costco to get the tires replaced, and bought Star Wars Episode III on DVD. I did not participate in the various giveaways. Basically, for those of you who still plan on buying to today, look up online what the different stores and giving away. I think Walmart's got the best giveaway (Bonus DVD) with Best Buy in second place and Target in third. I, however, bought it at Fry's because there's a Fry's on the way to work and they open at 8 in the morning so I could hit 'em up before work.

I got my iPod yesterday. It's pretty and black and awesome. I've noticed something, though (beside the damn thing crashing 2 seconds after I turned it on). The black collects dust like nobody's business. Thankfully, I have a handy-dandy cleaning cloth I got included with the iPod stand I bought. So, it's kept fairly clean. =D After resetting it (because the damn thing crash immediately), I loaded my entire music/iTunes Music Store-bought video collection. I also bought season 1 of Desperate Housewives so that I'd have quite a bit of video content to enjoy on the thing. BTW, the picture is FANTASTIC. It's clear and beautiful and crisp and beautiful and... beautiful. The new iPod is EVERYTHING it's cracked up to be. =D =D

So, what else is new? I'm not entirely sure what to make of the Democratic leadership's close door Senate move. It's very unusual and I'm pretty sure it's not just the lack of an Iraq investigation that brought it on. I think in the face of Libby's indictment and Alito's nomination, this is the Democratic leadership's way of calling a timeout, so to speak, and plan for a future strategy. Let's face it, politics are heading into a dark dark couple of years right now. Partisan issues are becoming more and more of a focus as Bush's "leadership" (term used as loosely as possible) has polarized the nation. Hardfast Republicans and hardfast Democrats are ready to throw on gloves and fistfight their way into a compromise. We'll see what happens. Personally, I support the move (just barely) because Democrats have been hit fast and hard the last couple of years. We've completely lost control of whatever power we held onto and the Liberals need to hold up a second and figure out what the Hell's going on.

Black Friday's going to be crazy this year with the must-have items of the season being so outta control (iPods, for example). I'm looking forward to shopping on the day-after-Thanksgiving because it's going to be nuts!! (And I'm not working @ Target so I'm not going to die like last year!) =P
Umm... this year's Elmo is kinda scary. It speaks (not too surprising) and you can program it to use your child's name from a list of 15,000 names (kinda Chucky-ish). You can even program it to "remind your kid" to do task like eat vegetables and stuff (way creepy). Engadget's hoping someone hacks it. I would love to see what they could do with it.

Ok, I really gotta get back to work now. Sigh... I wish I could just sit around and watch Desperate Housewives...


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