Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Faults and Foibles.

This is a list that I started 2 or 3 years ago. I thought it might be time again to revisit it and maybe add to it or (hopefully) subtract those that no longer apply.

Basically, this list was an attempt at inner-reflection. It's a list of stuff that I consider wrong with me. Here's the introduction from it originally.

"Here's a list of stuff that people will have to deal with when dealing with me. If you're not currently my friend, please don't let this list discourage you from becoming my friend. The fact that I acknowledge these faults is a step in the right direction... right?? (FYI, some of these are actually kind of amusing. I didn't intend for that when I first started but some of them aren't bad so much as "quirky")"

And here's the actual list so far.

-I snore. Loudly. and I thrash.
-I'm annoyed by bad grammar/spelling, especially online, but excuse those mistakes when I make them myself.
-I have the world's worst sense of direction.
-I have an uncontrollable urge to be right. I am often proven wrong.
-I sleep. A lot.
-I'm easily frightened by strangely non-frightening things. Like calling friends who I know are expecting calls from me.
-In fact, I have a minor phobia about calling people in general.
-I lie. Sometimes unknowingly.
-I'm gullible in that I believe people I'm amused by and I don't believe people that annoy me, even though it turns out that people I'm amused by are more often wrong and people that annoy me are more often right.
-I change my opinion often. But only about inconsequential things.
-Whenever I'm "making up my mind", 90% of the time, I've already made up my mind and am stalling for time.
-I think too quickly and hardly ever double-check.
-I'm very indecisive but a third of the time that I respond with "I Don't Know...", I'm lying. I do know. I just don't think you'd agree with what I know.
-My memory's shit. But only with things that are important.
-I'm show-off-y but I realize that most of the time, there's no reason to show-off.
-I'm a theatre-snob. I like to arrive at movies on time, I get annoyed by people who so much as sneeze, and I have an uncontrollable urge to kill people who block my view.
-I'm a conformist. That's probably why I like pop music but don't like admitting that I like pop music.
-I want to know more but I don't want to exert the effort to research.
-I'm lazy to a fault. I will start papers hours before they're due, I will shop for gifts the day of a holiday/birthday, I will drive a block to get to my destination instead of walking, I will spend more time and effort searching for the remote than actually walking to the TV with the knowledge that if I find the remote, I will save more energy in the long run when I have to change the channel again. And I WILL have to change the channel again.
-I have no common sense when it comes to money except that I know when I have none and I know the best ways to acquire it again. (EDIT: I'm actually getting more monetary common sense. Thank God.)
-I don't like stealing ideas and quotes but am funniest when I do.
-I'm actually not all that funny. Just persistent.
-I'm more optimistic than I like to let on.
-I actually hate very few things. I mostly hate moments.
-My moral compass is extremely flexible.
-I'm messy but I always think "That's easy to clean up."
-Whenever I drive through tunnels, I always hold my breath but I never have a wish. Whenever I do have a wish, I always dismiss it with "That's unreasonable." That's why I usually finish lamely with "I just hope I don't crash."
-The same goes for birthday candles.
-I like groups but dislike crowds.
-I rarely plan ahead except when it results in material gain, such as spending the last of my money on the sixth on the month on a DVD because I know a paycheck is coming on the eighth.
-I have, and will again, watched a movie and then watched the exact same movie again with director's commentary.
-I still maintain that it's not a waste of two hours to do so.
-I would've continued on discs with multiple commentaries but I was too tired.
-I know what's cool. I just choose to ignore it.
-I'm hypochondriatic about the possibility of having a learning disability.
-I still hold out for the hope that I can go back and re-live parts of my life.
-I dabble. However, I pretend that I don't dabble but rather that I know.
-I'm ultra-competitive in games I think I should win and ultra-conservative in games I don't think I can win in.
-I'm still un-sure as to whether or not there's actually a Santa, mostly because of prime-time television.
-I'm always looking for a way to cheat but I never actually do. I'm not sure if it's morality or fear of getting caught.
-This list is longer than it should be.
-I'm self-deprecating. Plus, I'm only faintly aware of what "self-deprecating" means.
-I have no singing ability whatsoever. I still sing out loud in front of people.
-I'm a good listener but mostly because I can't carry a conversation.
-I'm one of those people who checks away messages on AIM, even if I haven't seen or heard from that person in years.
-I'm gluttonous. In many aspects of life, not just eating.
-I philosophize without knowing all the details.
-I will consider worst-case scenarios. Such as "What if the driver of the car I'm in right now hits and kills a pedestrian? Will I help bury the body and hide the evidence?"
-That is morbid. I'm aware of that.
-I know enough about computers to know that I don't know enough about computers. I pretend otherwise sometimes.
-I have an unnatural amount of nosebleeds in my lifetime. I also get annoyed to an unusual degree with people who feel the need to inform me when their last nosebleed was. "Nosebleed? I haven't had a nosebleed since the sixth grade..." Thanks. that helps. a lot.
-I'm done typing this and I haven't even scratched the surface.

Will work on this list tomorrow during work. Just wanted to get it up tonight.


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