Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ok, back to real news for a little bit's headline at this particular moment in time:
Bush demands Syria be 'good neighbor'
What? Bush demands Syria be a good neighbor? Is this like when Bush told citizens to "drive less"? (Link leads you to an earlier Blog entry.) Does he think this is honestly going to work? I'm honest-to-God shocked that there hasn't been a headline like "Bush chastises hurricanes for damage" or "Bush tells terrorists to 'stop killing'". Freakin' A. DO SOMETHING, BUSH! I shudder to think that Bush's daily to-do lists probably are not much more extensive than mine.
1.) Tell people to be nice to each other.
2.) Figure out why ice cream tastes so darn good.
3.) Naptime.

In other Bush news: I officially oppose Miers for the Supreme Court spot. Bush has told reporters that Miers' religious beliefs were a factor for his choice to nominate her.
To be fair, what he actually said was that Miers' entire life must be examined and that a part of her life was her religion. However, religion SHOULDN'T even be a factor. I don't know if Bush forgot but the Supreme Court is a branch of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Her religion shouldn't matter one way or another because STATE AND RELIGION SHOULDN'T BE RELATED. Yet, Bush has openly said that religion a part of Miers' life. It can be assumed that she'll use religion as some sort of a moral basis because, once again, Bush told us to that she'll be using religion. And what does Miers' religion say? "Dobson said Rove told him 'she is from a very conservative church, which is almost universally pro-life.'" And there goes Roe v Wade. (Not to infer anything but there's a good chance that gay marriage will be affected laterally by her position in the Court as well.) Hope you're happy Bush. You're going to set this country back 20 years. It's probably going to take another 40 years just to reach where we are today. AND THAT'S NOT VERY FREAKING FAR.

"Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asserted that Miers would bring 'a unique brand of experience' to the high court." Yeah, that unique experience is called NO EXPERIENCE by us who are "not in the business."


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