Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Hi again.

Oops. Didn't post yesterday. Sorry. This stupid job. It's busy but not productive. It's like trying to push a mountain. It takes all your effort and afterward, you still haven't moved the damn thing.

Samsung Cell
You have to admit, this cell phone at least looks good. I'm very impressed with a not stupid 2 hinged cell phone. (Sorry about the link. Just put your zip code in and it'll come up.)
Awesome. It's good to see that in this day-and-age of iPod video and nano that books haven't been left outta the information age pursuits of smaller and faster.

Hm.. speaking which, I'm planning on ordering an iPod tomorrow (after I get my paycheck). I think I'm extremely enamoured by the possibilities that Apple brings with their 5th gen iPod. I was listening to the technophile podcast (w00t! podcasting!) and they had Alex Lindsey on who is an all-around everywhere consultant on all things graphics (and started Pixel Corps). Anyway, he worked on Star Wars Episode I and he was mentioning his own feelings about the new iPod which I echo whole heartedly. He mentioned that computer graphics, once a big and mysterious field of wonder and misunderstood awe, is becoming more and more accessible. As an example, he said that when he was working on Star Wars, the Macs that they were using to create the graphics were actually only half as powerful as the Mac Mini. That being said, it's becoming more and more viable for independant projects to come to fruition, whether it be a tv show you shoot in your backyard or an animated movie you make on the weekends. And, with the success of podcasting, imagine how many people could put their pet projects online and readily available. It's this that I'm really looking forward to and it's for this that I'm getting a new iPod for (and because they're just really cool).

Ok, first post up for today, I'll try and post more later, maybe after I read real news... =P


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