Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Good Morning, Friday

"Good morning, America, how are ya? / Don'tcha know me? I'm your native son."
-City of New Orleans by Arlo Guthrie (good song. Go download it. And by "download it," I of course mean go purchase it legally from iTunes.)

Anyway, it's Friday. I've only been at work an hour and already I'm kinda bored. I hope the day picks up a little bit (but not much. Otherwise, I could be busy). I haven't spent too much time surfing yet (at work for 1 hour!! How much time could I have possibly spent surfing??) but I did see an article at worth mentioning.
It's a review of the MobiBlu DAH-1500i. It's a Walmart exclusive media player. I'm not really a fan of Walmart (Go Target! W00t!) but this little thing looks impressive. I can't get over the size of it. There are pictures in the article. It's about twice the size of a dice. A single (d6, for nerd-y ppl) dice. It's small as... well, let's not go there but it's small. In fact, if I had one, I'd probably lose it. Just 'cuz that's the kind of guy I am. (And because I lost my iPod mini for 2 weeks once. It was under a box.)
(AND, in case anybody was wondering, I'm NOT getting one. Cheap it may be but I'd rather save my money in anticipation of buying a 5th gen iPod. Woo-hoo! iPod!)

Ok, that's it for now. Enjoy Friday, friends, because.... ah, Hell. I'm still at work. Forget that. Just try and survive.


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