Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Monday Blatherings

So, it's Monday. I've been relatively busy today so the posts have been scarce. I apologize. I'll try to make a worthwhile update right now.

So, Bush is continuing on his campaign to get Miers into the Supreme Court. What's the new tactic? He's gotten 6 current and former Texas Supreme Court Justices to support her. Uh... ok. Still doesn't change the fact that she's a HORRIBLE CANDIDATE. I'm also completely un-surprised by the fact that he's urged the Texas Supreme Court to back him. He was governor of Texas! Want to impress me? Get the New York Supreme Court and the California Supreme Court to back her. Then we'll talk.
Reuters is reporting that apparently Hollywood-ers (RE: Desperate Housewives stars) are pissed because they weren't in on Steve Jobs' backdoor deal with Disney to get rights to download episodes on iTunes. Hm... I'm tempted to say "Screw you, let us download" but it's still not really right. I think the actors have a right to the a portion of the profit so some sort of deal should be worked out. I really could care less if its the DVD formula or not. I think they should get some of the profit but not a significant amount or anything. Ultimately, iTunes is providing this service to try and give TV shows and movies the same accessibility that music enjoys on iTunes. I'm all for the accessibility. Hell, I hope that they get even more deals so I don't have to fight my parents for the use of the VCR. I can just download shows I've missed. (Or shows I've heard a lot about but haven't seen yet.) Also, today I found something kinda cool that makes me want to buy an iPod even more. I was going through Podcasts and there are some Podcasts with... video! Wow, I didn't even think of that! Podcasts = Cable Access TV? Awesome...
Xerox = Big Brother? Wow. Who would've thunk it? Ok, Big Brother's kinda harsh but putting a "fingerprint" system in their printers? Without telling people? Sketchy, to say the least.
I always thought that ADD/ADHD were slightly overblown disorders. I think there are cases where people have severe ADD/ADHD and seriously cannot concentrate. However, to categorize hyperactivity as ADD/ADHD is harmful. Kids are hyperactive. If their energy is misconstrued as ADD or ADHD, then they get put on the road to over-medication. To have stuff like Ritalin so easily available and to have school nurses (!!) be able to give it out to students it just ridiculous. Here's an article, however, which counter the thinking that ADD/ADHD is automatically bad. It's an interesting way to think of ADD/ADHD. (BTW: I keep typing ADD/ADHD because I don't know which is the proper way to say it anymore. Is ADD something seperate? Anyway, they both lead to overmedication, IMHO.)
Brilliant! As a Lit major, I can't believe I NEVER thought of this! wow.... the things we miss.
People reading this blog (i.e. my friends) probably are all proficient Firefox users already. However, if you're not, here's a good way to catch up. Read and learn. Internet Explorer harms. Firefox saves lives. Which one will you use?

Ok, that's it for now. I really have to get back to work. Hope everybody out there's having a better Monday than I am.


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