Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Moving Day

What's spectacular about this Saturday?

Well, me and my family finally moved major stuff to our new house. Fridge, TVs, computers, etc. Not to mention a whole lotta boxes. A WHOLE LOTTA boxes.

We don't get cable again until Monday, phone until Tuesday, and Internet until Thursday. You may be wondering how I'm making this post. Good question. I'm actually pigging backing on somebody's unsecured network. Let that be a lesson to you kids. Always secure your networks. =P

I feel bad so I'm not going to do anything stupid, like trying to hack something. I'll just post and try to keep my usage to a bare minimum.

As a counter to that, there's a new Narnia trailer up.
Awesome!! =D

SPOILER WARNING! (maybe? Who knows. Better safe than sorry though.)
It contains some beautiful moments. The trailer shows so much more this time around and it looks absolutely gorgeous. For one, Aslan looks awesome. He looks like a real lion and Liam Neeson's voice (yes, hear Aslan speak!) is very commanding, very befitting of the Aslan of C.S. Lewis's wonderful creation. Tilda Swinton as the White Witch is gorgeous too. She's a wonderful actress and absolutely great at playing ethereal (re: Constantine). There even a quick split-second where you see her seducing Edmund. She wraps her cloak around him and her eyes are just so deliciously evil. You also hear the voices of the Beavers and their telling of the prophecy (this happens during a voiceover in the beginning of the trailer). They look fabulous also but my earliest memories of the characters came from the BBC production where everybody just wore Halloween costumes. Mr. Tumnus appears for a fleeting split-second. He's wearing his scarf and carrying a parasol, very dandy-like. The Centaur looks gorgeous, giving much hope for a beautiful centaur in Harry Potter. Firenze, specifically. Edmund's conspicuosly absent both in the beaver hut and when the others are receiving their gifts from Aslan, making me extremely happy that they haven't forsaken the storyline. Short scenes of Aslan walking up to the stone table and the White Witch bringing down the knife, both gorgeous. I love the lighting in that scene. Each one of the animals in Aslan's army just looks gorgeous. Awesome awesome. Beautiful graphics and the war scenes are WAY more emphasized this time around, considering how much better the graphics are compared to the BBC production. The armies lining up and simply stunning and makes me think that WETA's going to put out a movie even better looking than LotR (maybe not but it's still going to be beautiful).

ANYWAY, that's it for now. Back to unpacking. (Man, moving is exhausting.)


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