Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

In honor of my 100th post, I offer... a hate post

I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES.

Ok, I guess I should explain myself (but why?). I bought a CD legitimately. It's a Sony Music CD. Because of their copyright bullshit, I needed to install a rootkit on my computer just to listen to it with the computer. I couldn't rip the CD without using their rootkit program, which converted them to copyright protected WMV formats. I can't put these (bear in mind, legitimately bought) files on my iPod or play them through iTunes. I have to either buy the CD again on iTunes Music Store or I have to buy a Sony approved MP3 player in order to play them.

First off, this is WRONG because I DIDN'T PIRATE this CD. Once again, because this is important, I
DID NOT pirate this CD. This is a CD I bought in a real store for real money. I did not steal this CD. I picked it off the shelf, walked it to a register, inserted my credit card (at Target they have these keypads with a slot for the credit card), signed the box, and received a receipt. I even have a witness. So, again, I did not break a single law in buying this compact disc. Now, I cannot enjoy this compact disc in the way that I want. Mind you, I have no intention of harming anybody. In fact, I cannot even peripherally harm anybody buy putting this CD on my iPod and through iTunes. I paid for the CD so the artist and the production company will both receive a portion of the sales, as will the store that I bought the CD at. I am throwing away the plastic wrap which means I'm not littering. Perhaps I will be harming the eco-system by throwing the plastic wrap in the landfill (not personally but laterally) but I have no other solution for that problem. However, I'm still not breaking any laws at any point of this process. So, I ask again, why can I not enjoy the CD on my iPod?

Is it necessary to purchase another MP3 player? The CD says it's able to be put on an approved MP3 player. However, I already own an MP3 player. So should I spend 100+ dollars on an MP3 player to play a 15 dollar CD? That seems unbelievably redundant. What's slightly better but no less redundant is the idea of purchasing the CD once in real life and again on iTunes music store. Am I required to buy this CD twice?

So, what could possibly be worse than this?
Yes, that's right! If I attempt to remove the root kit, I will crash my computer and render it completely useless! Sony is now CREATING VIRUSES! This is even worse than a virus because this virus was acquired by following laws. I didn't pirate, I didn't download, I simply bought a CD and wanted to put it on my iPod.

Let me take a little jaunt down a tangent and explain really quickly why I tried to put it on my iPod in the first place. When I buy CDs, I have a tendancy of scratching them up. I keep them in my car and out of the case because it's easier to change CDs while driving by keeping them out of the case. I hardly listen to CDs outside of the car. I didn't buy one of those visor CD holder dealios because if I put the CDs on the outside of the visor--

[Quick comment: I'm watching Grey's Anatomy right now as I type this. A pacemaker just burst into flames during surgery. Does that happen in real life? That's crazy!]

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah. I don't put CDs on visor because I can't change how far against the windshield or how far against the roof of the car the visor rests. So, I keep my CDs in a section under the radio and above the shifter. It's quite convenient but the exposure and lack of a CD case makes it susceptible to scratching. I've actually bought the same CD twice because I accidentally scratched it up beyond recognition. So now I try to put CDs onto my computer so I don't scratch them up.

Ok, that's explained. I feel that's a completely legitimate reason for putting CDs on my computer and iPod. However, this Sony CD does not allow me to do it. What's really stupid is that if I were to pirate the CD, i.e. download it with Limewire or Bittorrent, I would be breaking the law (only mildly) but I wouldn't have any problem and I'd probably be listening to the CD right now instead of typing this rather lengthy rant.


I am being punished for following the law. I obeyed the copyright law, stupid as they are, by buying the CD legitimately and I'm being punished. I cannot listen to the CD on my iPod (WHICH I BOUGHT LEGITIMATELY TOO) and I cannot listen to the CD on my computer using my audio program of choice. On top of that, I now have a VIRUS (A SONY VIRUS) on my computer which I CANNOT REMOVE. Ok, realistically there is 1 way I can remove it. ONE. Sony released a patch to remove the rootkit but it's a hasty patch that doesn't remove everything. It's incomplete. AND IT SHOULDN'T BE NEEDED IN THE FIRST PLACE! Sony sucks so much ass.

I want to go to Sony headquarters and shoot every single person with "Manager" in their title. I want to find the people that wrote this code and chop off their legs, put leeches in the open wounds, force them to eat their own fingers, burn their hair as it's still attached to their bodies, and slice cuts in their bodies and urinate in the open wounds. I want to tear apart the Sony headquarters building brick by brick. I want to grind each brick into dust and shove it down the throats of their Goddamn board of directors. This is such a bullshit control tactic that goes so far against the principles of Capitalism that it sickens me. They are threatening the future of freedom of expression by literally crippling the computers of the owners of these CDs. I hope that Sony dies. Just dies. I hope they go bankrupt and die. I hope the RIAA chokes on its own vomit. I know that in the future, this period of copyright hysteria will be looked upon the same way as McCarthyism. I hope the RIAA suffers an extreme Wile E. Coyote moment and falls into a canyon. I hope their houses and possessions are repossesed and distributed to the homeless. I hope they're forced in the slave labor and forced to work in 3rd world countries cleaning filth and cooking dinners then they're forced to work in the Gulf coast and must rebuild each house brick by brick. I hope they die.

I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES. I hope Sony DIES.


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