Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yoda did what?
So, Alito's nomination for Supreme Court Justice looks like it might polarize Congress. It's already divided the Gang of 14 and I get the feeling that they're not hopeful that they can settle their differences with regard to Alito. I credit Bush with yet another move toward furthering the
divide of a split nation.
Read some of former FEMA director Michael Brown's emails! Now, working in a cubicle that I don't want to be in for 40 hours (at least!) a week, I understand the frustration that comes with an office job and I understand the desire to write flippant stupid sarcastic emails. However, 2 major differences between my nonsense emails and Michael Brown's nonsense emails. 1 - I'm not in the middle of a national crisis. 2 - I'm the lowest possible level of employee in the office right now. Brown was a director. SO DON'T SPEND TIME WRITING EMAILS ABOUT HOW GOOD YOU LOOK! "Fashion God" my ass. Brown deserved to get fired. He should be jailed. He's almost as big a jackass as Don Young. We should have a special Washington D.C. jail where we send incompetent high level Federal employees. "Go to the Gulag and think about what you've done, old man." Nah, it'll probably cost at least $231 million dollars to build. And you know these jackasses will demand satellite TV for their jail cells.
(To be fair, I understand that all of Brown's emails weren't released and he may have actually done some real work while in FEMA. However, end results were not promising and the emails he did write that we know about are clearly stupid. Brown's still jackass material.)

Hey, 2 live TV shows this weekend worth mentioning. The West Wing has a live episode with the Republican presidential candidate and the Democratic presidential candidate debating this Sunday. Those of you who haven't been watching consistently might want to skip it and wait for it on DVD so you have a chance to catch up with the show. Now that I mention it, I don't think I have a single friend who watches West Wing realtime. Also, George Carlin has a new comedy special that airs live on HBO this Saturday. Should be good.

Lakers made a showing at their opening game. I think it took a lot of people by surprise that this Laker squad (deemed by ESPN as being the Lakers Year 2 AS [After Shaq]) was able to step up to the Nuggets on their hometurf. True, the Nuggets were still playing like a preseason team, awash in their own mistakes, but watching the Lakers truly step-up and display that they could possibly hang with the big boys, that made me happy. Still, it was nerve-wracking to watch the pandamonium of the game and Lamar Odom made me quite sad (I still contend he's going to be the darkhorse powerhouse of the 2006 Lakers squad) with his failure to play good basketball. I still have hope, however, and I believe in Phil.

Anything else to talk about for now? Not really. Hope everybody's having a good week. If you're not, well, rest assured that it is almost over.

Oh! I remember something I wanted to mention.
It's a video of an Easter Egg (I think) on the Star Wars Episode III DVD. If you already have the DVD you might wanna go online and find out how to get the Easter Egg. It's probably better quality. If you don't own the DVD, click on the link. It's a funny video.


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