Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Thoughts Dump

So it's been like a week since I posted, so I'd better post something quick before I completely let this blogging thing slip off again.

So, what did I learn this week that I can talk about? Well, for one thing, I'll finish my TV 101 posts soon. I haven't been doing those so far but just because I'm not motivated currently.

Next week (Friday? Saturday? I've kinda forgotten), I'm leaving for Taiwan for 2 weeks. My grandmother's turning 90 and our whole family's going back so I'm really looking forward to that. Should be fun!! I'll post pics or something.

Bought some shoes from Kenneth Cole. Can't wait 'til they come.

I watched the first season of Family Ties last weekend. Yes, it came out on DVD. I loved this show a lot. Michael J. Fox always stole the show but Michael Gross and Meredith Baxter-Birney were always good and I loved Justine Bateman... in probably an unhealthy way. So it was really really fun to watch the whole first season. No commentary or behind-the-scenes features but I don't really expect those any more for old TV shows. Let's face it, studios just don't try on those.
At least this had appropriate chapter breaks, like after the theme song.

What would we do, baby, without us?
What would we do, baby, without us?
There ain't no nothing we can't love each other through...
What would we do, baby, without us?

Ahem... sorry. Love the show. Love.

They're making a show based on the cavemen in the Geico ads. That's just kooky. It's, at best, a one-joke concept. So, it either better be BRILLIANT or it'll fail... REALLY EASILY. (Btw, latest rumors say that the show's going to be a drama, not a sitcom. That'll be a HUGE mistake. I bet it's a joke.)

There was a 7 minute Spider-Man 3 clip on NBC's website today. I'm not sure if it's still there. It was advertised as "one-day-only" but I don't think that's necessarily true. Either way, I'm sure it's somewhere online. It's interesting. It has the usual MJ/Peter romance moment that you'd expect. Then, crazy crazy crazy air-borne battle between Peter (yes, PETER. Not Spidey) and Harry. Way awesome. At the end, it looked like they weren't quite done with the animation stuff yet but it's still really awesome looking.

Bought a bag from Adam's site: He makes some cool shirts and some cool bags. He's also a regular at Zigo and I see him at least twice a day. He's coming out with his Spring line soon, so, check out his stuff.

Pushpinder (our Indian food vendor at Zigo [best chicken tikka masala. EVER. EVER.]) told me he'd teach me how to make the tikka masala before I left Boston, if I leave Boston. So, if all else fails, I will learn how to make kick-ass tikka masala.

Speaking of work, I've been... well, working. I've made a bunch of logos for region-specific foods. Zigo Indian, Zigo Italian, Zigo Sushi, Zigo Comfort Food, etc. They've been pretty ... time-intensive but all fun. I'll post some later or something.

Libby's been convicted. That's kind of a big deal. It definitely calls into question the legality of the stuff that Bush's administration has been pulling for the past 7 years. (Although, to be honest, I think Libby's conviction might be the most legal action that'll ever be taken against the administration.) Hopefully, this'll keep the Republicans in power on their toes and under control. At least, to some extent. The morale of the story, kids? THERE ARE REAL CONSEQUENCES TO YOUR ACTIONS, DIPSHITS!!!

Grey's Anatomy episodes have been shown in a Dallas-area theater on the big screen. That's freakin' awesome. I wish people everywhere will start doing this. They're apparently free and the theater makes its money on people buying food and drink. Which I would do, whole-heartedly because this is probably the best idea... EVER. Apparently they're so popular that they have to have 2 showings to accommodate overflow.

The weather turned wicked cold here today. I dunno what happened. Saturday was almost warm! Like... 50/60 in the sun. It started feeling like Spring. Right now? 8 feels like -9!!! F-in' crazy. I mean, I like the cold weather but the wind chill was ridiculous today.

And.. that's it for now, kids. I'll post again soon, definitely post in Taiwan. See ya guys later!!


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