Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lethargic Sunday

It's Sunday! (Ok, technically it's Monday morning but close enough, right?) I just spent the last 12 hours watching TV. Specifically, I just spent the last 12 hours watching ABC. So, since I did nothing much today, I'll blog about my 12 hours of watching TV.

2 basketball games. I like the Bulls this year. With Big Ben, the team's starting to look really good after the All-Star break. I was surprised that the Heat didn't crash and burn without D-Wade. That's really all I have to say about the 2 games.

Then, it was Oscar watching time. Geez Louise! I watched the Barbara Walters Pre-Oscar show. Then the Pre-show on the red carpet. Then I watched the whole freaking Oscars. This is, I think, the first year that I watched the whole Oscars show. From what I can remember of the first 2 hours, I'll say these things:

Ellen DeGeneres was funny. I like her. Well, I liked her sitcom, loved her HBO special, but I'm not totally in love with her talk show. Still, she was funny tonight.

Also, the team of Bruce Vilanch, Carrie Fisher, and Carol Leifer were back together again tonight after a several year hiatus. Their presence seemed to make the atmosphere funny. I'm pretty sure the Al Gore/Leo skit was a product of those three and that was really funny.

The dancers were wacky. Which I liked. I didn't exactly understand that they were going to be a part of the whole show until their second or third silhouette.

The Will Ferrell, Jack Black, John C. Reilly song was, by far, the funniest thing on the show.

So, about two hours in, I im'd Amanda and we had a running commentary of thoughts on the show so I have an actual documented account of my stream of thought, starting with the Jennifer Hudson win where Amanda was really excited because... I guess because of American Idol and because she'd seen Dreamgirls and really liked the movie. She was also excited that Jennifer Hudson won on a movie that was her debut and wanted to know if that was unprecedented. I looked it up and it's not. Surprising film debut wins? Julie Andrews in Sound of Music and Ben Kingsley in Ghandi (a movie that just recently came out with an anniversary DVD).

An Inconvenient Truth won. Which I predicted (ok, fine, not that hard because they were pushing this one all night). 1 right, so far.

Ennio Morricone's done music for some good films. My favorite are Malena and The Untouchables.

Clint Eastwood speaks Italian. Totally surprising until I remembered that his first few films were with Sergio Leone. Makes sense, just never thought about it until that moment.

Ennio's speech is Italian, Clint's translating, and they cut to a shot of Ken Watanabe looking really really confused. Heh.

I thought Pan's Labyrinth would win for best score. Babel did. 1 right, 1 wrong.

I thought Little Miss Sunshine would win for best adapted screenplay because they don't want to give it a best picture Oscar and the Academy constantly gets criticized for not picking comedies. They did win. 2 right, 1 wrong.

Dreamgirls perfomance. Nice. Beyonce's good.

I thought Love you I do would win for best song. Melissa Ethridge won. Upset victory in my opinion. I noticed that the three Dreamgirls songs that were nominated all had different lyricsts. Amanda didn't care. 2 right, 2 wrong.

Best editing. I thought Children of Men. The Departed won. 2 right, 3 wrong.

Jodie Foster still looks good. She'll forever look good. Montage of those who passed. This is always sad. Don Knotts. Joe Barbera. Jimmy Doohan. Peter Boyle. Mako. Robert Altman. I'm now very sad and on the verge of tears. Wait. No James Brown? He was in one of the other compilations. Strange.

Actress. I'm guessing Helen Mirren but Kate Winslet could still win. Helen Mirren wins. 3 right, 3 wrong. Amanda also guess this one right (but a split second before it's announced. Suspect... =P)

Backstage guys says that NOW it's going to get interesting. THANKS. Means I've wasted the past 3 hours. Stupid.

Actor. I want Forrest Whitaker to win. I loved Good Morning Vietnam (not the only one. Everybody did as well), Jason's Lyric (... might be the only one), and Ghost Dog (dude! watch that movie!). He wins. 4 right, 3 wrong. His speech causes everybody to cry. Damn, he's good.

Director. Spielberg, Lucas, and Coppola are presenting. Damn, that's a lot of star power. Announced as the "three amigos." Weren't the three amigos Lucas, Coppola, and Scorsese? This makes me think Scorsese's going to win. He does. 5 right, 3 wrong. Amanda and me comment that he looks like Eugene Levy with Peter Gallagher's eyes and Woody Allen's silhouette. His win's a long time coming. My favorite Scorsese pic is Last Temptation of Christ.

Picture. Jack Nicholson looks younger without hair. He looks like a bigger Michael Chiklis though. Why's Diane Keaton yelling? Jack looks scared. He's standing really far away now. What happened? Prediciton: The Queen. Winner: The Departed. Wow. Scorsese's having a good night. 5 right, 4 wrong.

Ends with a very short line by Ellen thanking people. That's it? Wow, under 4 hours. I'm impressed.

Final tally (for the second half): 5 right, 4 wrong. Eh. Better than 50%. That's not bad. Especially considering the Melissa Ethridge win was completely out of left field.

Other than that, I spent the day doing pretty much nothing. Ok, I wrote another 10 pages in another script. Ironic considering it's Oscar night. Ok, it's almost bedtime. Nite!!


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