Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Anudder Logo

So, Alex K. visited this weekend. It was good to see him. Haven't seen him in like forever. So that was fun. He had to leave Sunday tho so I spent Sunday night working on, among other things, a St. Patrick's Day logo for Zigo.

Here it is:

Also, I saw the last ep. of Grey's. Whether or not my speculation comes true has yet to be determined. They did a good job of spending the middle ep. of a three-episode arc not actually resolving much. Or, at least, they resolved everybody's storylines except Meredith so that the last episode of this arc will be solely spent on Meredith and her life and death struggle. (Struggle? Really? Perhaps... The writers have surprised me constantly with this show in terms of what they'll do. Always in a good way too.)

Also, I saw Psych and Class. I have yet to see this week's How I Met Your Mother so that's next. And my iTunes just started playing depressing music. Stupid shuffle feature. ("Depressing music" btw currently is Expose's I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me. Remember that?)

Ok, that's it for now. Except to say I think I fucked up my wrist a little bit by using my computer on the coffee table when I was watching the all-stars game today. Or I'm finally getting carpal tunnel. Or both. Hopefully it'll be better in the morning.


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