Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spoiler/Speculation for Grey's Anatomy

Uh-oh... I've been hearing rumors all over the place. People are getting themselves into a tizzy about this one... I think--

[Spoiler- is it a spoiler if you're just guessing?]

--I think George is gonna die. TR Knight's apparently really upset about the way that the Isaiah Washington thing went down and gave ultimatums. I'm guessing that Isaiah's job is safe because of Shondra's comments about the whole thing and I've been hearing rumors that the big thing about the ferry-boat accident 3-parter is that a cast member's gonna die. It was (speculation-y) confirmed(-ish) by the writing of the first episode of the 3-parter when Meredith ends up in the drink because the tease is that she's going to be the one that dies [you hear a cast member's gone and then the main character ends the episode in a precarious position... you're supposed to think in that direction] but obviously GREY's anatomy isn't going to kill the "GREY" part of the equation. (second speculation is that Meredith dies but is revived by somebody... which is still possible and in fact might be what happens to deflect speculation about the [what-must-be] shocking death of George. I wonder if this is why they hot-shotted the Callie thing. I've heard rumors about Callie and--

EVEN MORE SPOILERS [speculation]

--I think she's going to find out she's pregnant. Which means that George will be dead and Callie will be a widow/mother and her daughter/son will be a half-orphan. I bet Izze steps up to help her out to make up for the mistreatment she's been giving her so far. With a little push from the Ghost of Denny??!!?!?! (Ok, I dunno about the ghost of Denny. I know the rumor mills have been going nuts when it was confirmed that Denny's coming back for something or another.... ghost, spirit, flashback, mysterious long-lost twin, who knows?!)

It's really bleeding difficult to hide text with color in this background. Hopefully I've made the text really really annoying to read it without highlighting it... that way... it'll remain spoiler-rific. REMEMBER tho, this is all speculation. I have no (or ... vague) support for these thoughts (unless they're.... vague).


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