Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Forced posting... to stay on the wagon

I don't feel like posting... but I feel like I'd better in order to stay... on the wagon of blogging. Or off the wagon. I'm not sure which one's the expression to stay sober.

Anyway, what's been going on lately? Work. Lotsa work. Most of it's actually forced upon me by... me. If something's fun, I tend to put more effort behind it than I probably should. I've put a lot of efforts into coming up with pictures and menus and signs for the Google/Zigo project because it's, frankly, been more fun than I've had in a long time with something I'm being paid for. So far, the work I've done has been some of the best stuff I think I've ever been able to do before and I'm really proud of what it looks like. However, I'll refrain from posting... in case someone wants to use it for proprietary reasons in this Google/Zigo thing. Just know that it's been the biggest blast coming up with cutesy images and a fake Google doodle.

SO! what else? Royal Rumble was awesome. Oh, and the Superbowl was a good game. I didn't party it up Superbowl style but I did hang out with a friend before the game, which was a lot of fun. It was a good day overall. Oh, I bought gloves (finally). The only problem is that the gloves I enjoy are thin (I don't like the ski glove look...) so they provide a minimum amount of warmth. Still, thin gloves are better than no gloves.

Which segues into the weather. It's cold. I'm actually having a lot of fun in the cold. The only problem is that when it was summer, me and my roommate both installed air conditioning units in our rooms (3 ACs in the apartment!). However, the one in my room isn't installed dead on (the window's not actually meant for an A/C unit) so there's a small almost imperceptible gap on the side. Except now it's winter... with winter wind. So there's this constant bitterly cold breeze that comes into my room. But it's alright because it's not like it's snowing in the room or anything. I just have to wear long sleeves in my room. Which isn't a bad thing. Especially since I got a jacket/wind breaker/track suit jacket thingie that I really like that says "San Jose" on it. which is cool. Because I'm repping San Jose... which is kinda weird but we have more people in SJ than in SF so why not rep it?? Plus, I've gotten comments from visiting Google employees. (We usually have the following exchange: "Your jackets says 'San Jose.'" "Yeah, that's where I'm from." "Really? I work in Mountain View. I'm here visiting." "At the Googleplex?" "Yeah!" [Awkward pause...] "Ok then... have a good day." *Psh. Nerds.*)

Hm... entertainment wise, I missed some DVDs in the past month or 2 that I wanna now buy. They include the Silence of the Lambs special edition, the Silence of Sleep, and Hollywoodland. Oh, I've been listening to musicals a lot lately too. (I don't know why exactly. I just like them...) I finally listened to Wicked. As expected, I loved it. I can't get enough of it. I wasn't aware of how many of the musicals I love had the same really great people. Idina Menzel is fantastic. Sherie Rene Scott is fantastic. Norbert Leo Butz is fantastic. Kristin Chenoweth is fantastic (ok... that one I already knew because of West Wing). Which is only from Wicked and and The Last 5 Years and Rent. It's oddly... connected. I'm also in love with the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Fantastic show. (I know I'm not italicizing everything I should be. I don't know what rules I'm following tonight... just go with me here.) And fantastic songs. (That's also many uses of the word "Fantastic" so I'll start using a different word.) Currently I have Wicked on repeat and [title of show] on repeat. Listen to [title of show]. It's really ... stupendous (<- new word). Stupendous stupendous stupendous. and Now I need to watch some wrestling to get my masculinity back in balance. Wow. For a bullshit post, this is pretty long so far.

Oh. Steve Jobs said, in a letter, that the best option for DRM for consumers is if it disappeared. And he said that if it did disappear, Apple would be down with getting rid of it. Yay! Down with DRM. There's gotta be a better way to keep copyright regulations under control. I wanna pay artists for music (I currently buy all my music on iTunes if possible. If not, I try to buy the CD or... [Heaven forbid] I download occasionally. Usually someone like Metallica who's pissed me off some how) but DRM is so... crippling... I'm not a good person to talk though because I'm fully behind Apple in it's iPod ventures. (I can't help it... they're so pretty.)

(shit... that's another hour of wrestling I have to watch now... I've gotta stop using the word 'pretty.' I think I got it from watching Joss Whedon interviews. Stupid stupid.)

Truth be told, with the negatives of Vista I've heard about, I'm totally in favor of just converting everything in my life to Apple. Apple music, Apple computer, Apple everything. Then DRM wouldn't actually be an issue at all. But I'm against DRM in sort of a solidarity thing because it's not good for other people. So, rock on my DRM-hating brothers and sisters.

Ok... that's enough for a bullshit post. Plus.. I've got some wrestling I need to watch. Go HBK! (Shawn Michaels is doing better these past few months than he has in a long time. He seems to be the old HBK again [I know it's cuz he's trying to fill the void that was left when HHH went down with an injury again but it's still fun to watch.])


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