Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

WOW! 2 Months!! Crazy

So, I haven't touched this blog in FOREVER! HOWEVER, here I am, at 2:56 in the morning, unable to sleep, watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent (Go Goren Go!) with a sudden desire to dig through people's MySpace pages. Heh. And I don't even like MySpace (altho, I hafta admit, it is growing on me. I'm sure if I were a freshman, it'd be WAY cooler. As it is, as a grad, I feel I'm being creepy-stalking-man). Anyway, it made me remenisce about being way closer to some of these people than I used to be. So I thought I'd make some recent updates on this blog to clear my online cobwebs, so to speak.

So, it's March 21st, 2006. What's new?

Well, I've been chilling in San Jose for the past several weeks/months. No real activity here. Just maintaining the status quo, so to speak. Hanging out with the same people. Reconnecting with some, losing contact with WAY more. Me and Erin got tickets for Boston that leaves next Monday night and comes into Boston Tuesday morning. I'm really looking forward to Boston, for obvious and less obvious reasons. I'm also WAY nervous. It's not a bad nervous. It's the sort of nervous you get when you start college or start a new job. This is my next step in life, however brief or however long it may be. Woo-hoo! Beantown, here I come.

My DVD collection is still on a steady upward incline. 5 seasons of Gilmore Girls, 2 season of Law and Order: CI, new movies like Pride and Prejudice and Unleashed, etc. etc. Lotsa watching of TV on DVDs. This is great. TV shows can find new birth in this medium and it really reflects the value of the show in the light of being watched back to back. It's how I've grown used to watching stuff like Arrested Development and Freaks and Geeks (great shows). Watch TV shows in DVD whenever available! It's worth it.

I was watching The Ten Commandments the other night. It's really one of my favorite movies. It's a great overt movie. Overt symbolism, overt language, overt visual effects. If you've ever been lost in the symbolism of a movie (say from Twin Peaks or something), watch The Ten Commandments. The foreshadowing in the dialogue is WAY obvious and really kinda fun to watch. The shots are deliberate and the acting is over-the-top in a fun way. It's really a true epic and worth watching without the commercials that come on during Easter/Passover weekend. "Moses! Moses!"

Read a couple of good books lately. The Lovely Bones is good. Starting The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Finished Disney War by James Stewart. It's a very interesting account of the rise and fall of Eisner's reign as the head of Disney. It might not all have been objective truth but it's probably more truthful than Eisner's own biography. I still have a backed up reading list full of books that I'm trying to get through. Some of them are borrowed. Hm... better read faster.

Hm... I hit page 40 in the script I was working on. It's not really a script I intend to go anywhere, but it's a fun hobby. Unfortunately, I let Amanda read the only hardcopy I have and I like writing it by hand more than typing. So... I probably should try to get it back.

I was reading up on Scientology online. My interest in it recently stems from listening to the Penn Jillette radio show (2-3 pm on weekdays on 106.9 FM in San Francisco). Penn was talking about the Isaac Hayes/Southpark incident. I'm with Southpark on this. I don't like the show but I downloaded the Scientology episode and it's actually pretty funny. Aside from the Scientology stuff, there's a running joke about Tom Cruise, John Travolta, R. Kelly, and a closet. It's actually really funny. So, admittedly, some of the organized religion stuff is kinda crazy too but Scientology? WAY crazy. I wouldn't give that much money to this cult. It's ridiculous how big this thing is. I mean, to have a "religion" whose basic tenants aren't available for its members until spending years in it and hundreds of thousands of dollars? Pyramid scheme cult. Definitely. This is worse than televangelists. Scams = bad but Scientology? It's a dangerous scam. As a revolt, I'm with Matt and Trey (the Southpark guys). We should start a religion like Satanism for Scientology. After all, Satanists believe in all the principle Christian tenets but they believe that Satan is actually God overthrown. They just root for the bad guy. We should do that for Scientology. Xenu is their Satan equivalent. So, Hail Xenu! =) If you want to read a cool website:
It's pretty funny.

Comic books are blowing up now. Marvel and DC are having HUGE events this Spring, with Infinite Crisis and One Year Later on DC's side and Civil War on Marvel's side. I'm really looking forward to the next few months of comic books. Hopefully I'll get into the pattern of buying them in Boston (thanks to Trisha, I have a book that actually mentions a couple of comic book stores in the Boston area. Whee!).

Ok, I think that's enough of a post for now. I'll try to keep this up-to-date as I go through the transition of California to Massachusettes. Fun fun. and Goodnight for now.


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