Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Last Day at Synnex!

W00T!! Ok, last day at work. Starting tomorrow, I'm officially unemployed. I'm so excited!! =)

Anyway, I might as well make today as productive as possible....

Ok, I'm over that. Hey, check this out.,3605,1674705,00.html
That's amazing. A complete vehicle overhaul and redesign. It seems like it could be a very cool idea. I'm not sure if we, as a society, in America is able to comprehend the personal transit sharing system but the car itself is pretty nice. Stackable chassis, wheel robots that take away the need for an engine, wafer-thin displays on the dash, programmable exterior color, etc. etc. If this works, it'll be revolutionary in terms of what's possible in vehicle design and vehicle safety. Unfortunately, it'll be killed by oil companies. So, we'll probably never see this in a practical sense, just as a novelty.
This may not have been the smartest of ideas but it seems like the kid was trying to stick to his guns and trying to find answers for himself. This is something I'm always a fan of. Good for him. This are some kind of balls on the kid and if he continues in the journalism field, he may just find some success.
....If I'm reading this article correctly, are they investigating the leak instead of the program itself? What kind of BS is that? A potentially illegal and unconstitutional program is launched in the NSA by Bush and when word of this program's existence breaks, instead of investigating the program they investigate the leak? BS! Those are 3's, not Kings. Pick up the pile, Mr. Bush.
WHAT THE HELL? The NSA is definitely reminding me of the Gestapo.

This administration is really scaring me. I hope this serves a very important lesson to all the people who I talked to in 2004 who told me they were voting for Bush for re-election because they wanted him "clean up his own mess." Thanks to his administration, we could be looking at a complete reversion of Civil Rights.


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