Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Stuff that's happened

I'm going to just make a quick thought dump in this post.

One of the front page stories on NY was (it's not longer cover story) the lack of confidence Republicans have in getting another Republican elected as president in 2008. It said something like 40% of Republicans believed that no matter how they voted, a Democrat was going to win the Presidency in 2008. I have no idea what the sample size is in that poll but I do know that I'm not going to consider this a large victory for Democrats by any means. First off, it's still 2007. The election's almost 2 years away. Having this polling information this early in the game means that anybody with half a brain can construct a reasonable platform and reasonable campaign. Knowing that 58% of Republicans believe that someone who voted for the Iraqi war would lose the 2008 election means that whoever's going to run the GOP side of the Presidency race will find someone with a liberal slant. Plus, the GOP has proven time and time again that they're at their best when their backs are against the wall. Republicans proved in 2000 and again in 2004 that they have some of the best political minds working for them. This isn't over by a longshot. Hell, it's barely begun.

I bought some shirts off Glarkware just now. They're having their Television Without Pity leftover shirts sale. I bought a Degrassi shirt and a Star Trek (red-)shirt. Too bad Glarkware takes a long time to deliver their shirts. I'd like to have them in my hands sooner rather than later.

So, leaving for Taiwan on Saturday. I'll be there until April 1-ish. Unfortunately, the deal here in Boston is that our lease is up March 31st. Since Mike (my roommate) doesn't want to live in this neighborhood any longer (he got mugged many many months ago), he's found a new apartment for us to live in. So, we're moving closer to Commonwealth Ave. HOWEVER, since I won't PHYSICALLY be HERE at the end of March, I hafta pack all my shit NOW so that it can get moved 2 weeks from NOW. So, I'm PACKING. This sucks.

Andreas is out here in Boston visiting. For those who don't know, Andreas is a friend from college. He's the same year as Mike and is actually really really close friends with Mike (has been referred to as "hetero-lifemate") so he came out to visit. I was friends with him too but not as close. Still, he's a cool guy. He works for Meebo (his job title is "Javascript Cutie" which is apparently a typo because he wanted to be "Javascript Cutty" as in "cutthroat" but the ppl making his business cards thought he wanted to be a cutie. Web 2.0 companies are... odd) and has uber-stock shares available to him soon. Too bad Meebo isn't trading publicly anytime soon tho so those stock shares are pretty much worthless right now. If they get bought or go IPO, however, Andreas is probably going to jump an entire tax bracket in the blink of an eye. Which is really really crazy to think about considering the fact that I knew this kid when he was 18 and a college freshman. Good thing he's a cool guy and not an asshole like some of his friends were in college (not Mike. Other people).

Bubble wrap is expensive, especially considering how shoddy we treat it when we don't need it.

I bought a book on Taiwanese Literature. It's a Lit theory book so it's really dense and uses a convoluted vocabulary. (Why do Literary experts feel the need to justify their field of study by making the shit they write so ... complex?) Apparently, the field of Taiwanese Literature is a relatively new field that's only recently been opened up for study by Lit circles because of Taiwan's complicated history. The complicated history also serves to make classifying Taiwanese Literature hard. Is it post-colonial? Post-modern? Nationalist? Propaganda? It's really interesting reading but slow-going right now because... well, it's complex writing. Pretentious shits. (I say that with love because I'm one of those "pretentious shits.")

I just noticed a place at the bottom of this post window to put "labels." I'm not falling for that shit. I'm UNCLASSIFIABLE! I defy labels!! EAT ME, Google-Blogger!!

Ok, that was random. I think I had too much caffeine earlier. Or maybe not enough. I seem to have the same reaction to either one.

I made a Get Psyched playlist for my music. It starts with Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" which is blatantly stolen from Barney's Get Psyched mix on How I Met Your Mother. Still, it's a freakin' fantastic song so I don't feel bad at all. I just feel... AWESOME! (The playlist also has a Van Halen song, a David Lee Roth song [anybody who even remotely knows me will know which David Lee Roth song], Scorpions, Billy Idol, and the highlight is Joe Esposito's "You're the Best" from The Karate Kid. It's a LEGENDARY playlist.)

Ok, it's time to put on Billy Idol's Mony Mony and get back to packing. Wish me luck!!

Here she comes now sayin' Mony Mony
Shoot 'em down, turn around, come on Mony
Hey she give me love and I feel all right now
Come on, you gotta toss and turn


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