Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another day, another dollar

So it's Tuesday. What more do you need to know about today? Tuesday's are kinda cruel. They're still bitter reminders that the weekend is so immensely far away. Anyway, SlackerManager had a good article about a clever way of taking some personal time for yourself while having a job.

It is quite clever and if I wasn't in a temp job, I'd definitely try it out.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Bush's nominee for the remaining opening in the Supreme Court. I'm leaning toward being opposed to her. She's had no experience as a judge before which is kind of bad. As much as I am in favor of people trying out new things and on-the-job experience, this is the Supreme Court of the United States. Choices made here could have reprecussions for the next 20 years. Plus, she's from Bush's inner circle. I'm afraid of people who nominate their friends for powerful positions. It feels as if Bush was forced to choose a woman and decided to just pick the one that was closest to him instead of a good candidate. The lack of any information on her is also disconcerting, as it was with Justice John Roberts. The only thing that people could actually find was that she gave 150 dollars to an anti-abortion group. That's not a good start but it's certainly not enough with which to be conclusive. So I'm leaning toward bad choice candidate right now. Still, it's kinda funny that conservatives are opposed to her. It's as if the new political tactic du jour is to just confuse the heck outta everybody else.

So there's a new attempt at copy protection from the makers of our music CDs.
I have to say, I'm very disconcerted about this move. I enjoy buying real CDs because of I like supporting artists that I enjoy. I also like having liner notes (is that weird? I enjoy liner notes. Deal). Anyway, having a legit copy of the CD, I think I should be able to put the tracks onto my iPod because, let's face it, I destroy my CDs. I never use the CD case and I have no secure way of keeping CDs in my car so they always end up scratched beyond belief. It's gotten to the point where I burn copies of my CDs so that when they get trashed, I still have a back-up. Putting them in iTunes means I can enjoy them even after I trash the disk. Now, I can't even do that any more. Kudos to the artists who've taken steps to dissuade EMI and BMG from doing this without telling the consumer. I think I'm just going to start buying albums on iTunes and download music. I can live without liner notes. (BTW, Sony, telling consumers to complain to Apple is the stew-pidest piece of advice I've heard since Bush was telling people to drive less when dealing with gas prices. It is not Apple's fault. It reminds me of all those times in movies where the villian kills innocent people and then tell the hero "it's you're fault that they're dead. if only you had cooperated, they'd still be alive." no, it's YOUR fault they're dead. YOU KILLED THEM.) "'The bad thing is that you are almost promoting what you are trying to protect against,' Brown says. 'You are upsetting the fan that went out and purchased the record.'" Stew-pid music industry.
And the English language continues to grow. Now, you can officially go watch a "chick flick."


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