Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I want a webpage

I want a webpage. Like a real webpage. One that has a personal URL and that I pay for (that's to make me feel like an adult).

Also, I think the funnest job in the world and new dream job would be a satirical writer on the Colbert Report or for the Onion. That'd be really fun.

Perhaps I will combine these 2 dreams and make my own website with a section on making fun of news! Ooooo... a goal.

Blog blog blog

So I started my new job in UCSC. (I've successfully moved back to California. Whee~!) How is it so far? Well, there are no students yet (because... it's still summer) and I'm still "settling in" to my job right now. This first... like... 2 week period (whew, that's a long time) is pretty much dead space while I wait for more things to be finalized and things get advanced along far enough where I can help out (since I'm new, they don't trust me to help PLAN things... only IMPLEMENT things... not that that was said directly but I think that's the implication). So, my tasks for the past WEEK (I started last Thursday) have included the following:
1.) Work on the t-shirt design for Kresge College for next year
2.) Get familiar with the computer
3.) ...... That's it.
Yes folks, that's TWO whole tasks! For a TWO WEEK PERIOD! Thus far? I've finished the t-shirt design [for now. It's still pending approval. Which we won't even send it off to get until next Monday so... that's on the back burner] and I'm already plenty familiar with this computer [which is a gorgeous iMac, probably 2 years old. It's pretty...] so... what do I do now?

How about blog?

So... what's been going on? Well, Bonds hit 756. Despite all that talk about steroids and tainting records and such, it's still a big deal (perhaps a big deal because I'm in the Bay Area now). That's cool.

That's kind of all that's on the forefront of the news. San Jose's kind of a slow news city. Very little happens here that's BIG and SPLASHY. I'm still living at home. The commute from San Jose to Santa Cruz is kind of a bitch but I'm going in the opposite direction as traffic so it's actually not congested or bumper-to-bumper. It's just a far drive.

I'll think about more to blog about. I'm sure there's plenty going on in the world. I just need to catch up.