Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ok, a longer post.

So, I guess the last month or so have been both eventful and a lot of the same.

I've settled into somewhat of a routine here these past 2 months. I wake up at a decent hour (but not unreasonable), drive an hour to Santa Cruz, work all day, go home, go to bed, repeat. It's slightly monotonous in terms of a schedule but it's what happens when you get into the "real world."

My days here, however, at work are more eventful than just putting in 8 hours. I'm still trying to get a solid footing in terms of what I'm doing, what I'm accomplishing, and general tasks. I'm still getting to know all the personalities and quirks of the college, something that changes pretty frequently. I actually have student workers, which is fun. Heck, I'm an advisor!

Keeping me busy, though, are a bunch of programs we have. All the time. Seemingly
ad infinitum. I bought a planner which works like you'd expect a planner to work. It has a calendar on the front of each month and then all the weeks are broken down on separate pages in each month. However, I like being able to see the whole month at a glance so I just use the month calendar and write everything in each square. As a result, my days look very full and complicated. In reality... well, in reality, some days are very full and complicated.

Anyway, my calendar's filling up a lot faster than I wanted it to. I have several things already listed for November and even something for January! (That's not including repetitive items like "KMEC meeting every Wed.") It's gotten to the point where if I see an empty day, I get very concerned; like I've forgotten about something. I have to double-check with my boss to make sure I didn't forget something huge. I don't like being organized. Well, I like being organized but I don't like being THIS organized. It's... disconcerting.

In the meantime, getting a place in Santa Cruz is going along well. We're very nearly there. In fact, I should get keys by the end of the week and I can start moving in this next weekend. It's very close to work. Much much much closer than... you know... San Jose.

According to Google: my current trip right now is 43.3 miles and takes 1 hr and 0 min. Which is pretty accurate. (Usually the trip takes around... 50 min. to 1 hr.) According to Google: my new trip will be 3.5 miles and take 9 min. Which is, again, pretty accurate. That's like a 40 mile decrease! Twice a day! That's 80 miles a day!! 400 miles a week!! (whoa... was I really driving that far? That's like a weekly trip to LA.) That's not even counting weekends! (I came to Santa Cruz last Saturday and Sunday and the Sunday before that for events.)

So, that's good.

Let's see, what else is new?

I bought an Xbox 360. Because of Halo 3 (naturally). In fact, I got the Halo 3 special edition Xbox. It's all olive green with gold trim, looking very "future military"-esque on my floor. Halo 3, as expected, is a fun fun game. Master Chief dies in my hands a lot though. Mostly cuz I suck. But the physics are such that when he dies, it's always very amusing to watch. Lotsa random bouncing around off walls and stuff. And you always get that minute of watching all the carnage around the dead body too. That can sometimes lead to amusement as well, such as when you die and drop all your grenades and someone else throws a grenade on your dead body, creating a massive explosion.

I also bought The Bigs. It's a baseball game but it focuses more on arcade action and less on realistic simulation. As a result, Visual Concepts has made The Bigs a really really fun and addicting baseball game. It's very easy and is pretty much a pick-up-and-play game. Games go by quick and you only need a modicum of skill to become fairly good at the game. Visual Concepts has somehow managed to keep baseball strategy a factor in this simple game as well. You don't need to know anything about baseball to play the game but if you know stuff like which base to throw the ball to or when to steal a base or how to execute double plays, then you'll be better than the person who doesn't. Which is good too. I hope VC continues this game and turns it into a franchise because it really is a lot of fun.

Nothing much else to report. I finally saw Transformers (you know, on DVD). I thought it was really good. I enjoyed most of the humor (some of it was reaching and some of it was corny but mostly amusing) and I enjoyed most of the cool transforming robots. It's not as good as the old 80's cartoon movie but that movie was phenomenal so I can't fault this one for not being phenomenal. It's, again, one of those movies where I think the sequel will be better so I'm hoping that the sequel gets made soon.

Ok, I have to now do actual work. I'll make an effort to blog more.


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