Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trying to catch up to real time on the blog

Ok, so I finished four massive posts about my cousin's wedding last weekend. I'm now moving on to this past weekend (Father's Day weekend) and then I'll be all caught up! Whee~!

So, this weekend wasn't nearly as eventful as last weekend, which is really good because I would've passed out if I had to spend so much time traveling again. So uneventful that I can't even remember what happened Friday or Saturday. Thursday was trivia night at T's Pub, which was fun. We never win but it's always fun. Plus, I get to pull random facts outta my ass, which is really the whole point of going to trivia nights.

Friday was a nothing day, I think. I went to work and came back home. My boss decided that I needed to go watch the Sox this weekend because they were playing a three game series against the Giants. So, he kind of went looking for tickets without my being aware of it. He did ask if I wanted to go to the game but I told him "Sure, but I dunno how expensive it would be." which he apparently interpreted as meaning "Find tickets and pay for part of them for me and I'll go." because that's kind of what he did. On Thursday, he told me that his friend (he has a ton of friends all over the place who hook him up with tickets. In fact, he used to work for TicketStub here in Massachusetts back when it first got started) had Sox tickets for Sunday and that he put them in the mail and mailed it to the store. Unfortunately, they weren't here yet by Thursday and we don't have weekend delivery so there was a slight chance they wouldn't get here at all. On top of it, he got me 2 tickets and he said that they probably wouldn't be next to each other. It sounded... shady, to say the least.

Anyway, on Friday, lo and behold, they came. He gave 'em to me (true enough, they weren't next to each other) and I was like "cool." The original intention was for me to go with my roommate but Mike had a friend coming this weekend and he's trying to study for his qualifying exams on Wednesday. So I asked Jana if she wanted to go. Jana's my roommate's classmate's roommate's classmate. I actually met her like... my second week in Boston a year ago. She was already friends with Mike. Anyway, we've hung out fairly regularly since then. In fact, she's probably one of only like four people from Boston who's in my cell phone. Sad... I need more friends. Anyway, she was happy to go, even tho it was sketchy-ness with the tickets.

So, Sunday was the game. (Oh! I remember what happened Saturday. Actually, I'm going to try and get the stupid shit that started on Saturday settled today. I'll blog about it later.) It seemed kind of ironic that I went to a baseball game on Father's Day when I was 3000 miles away from my dad. Oh well. Fenway was PACKED, which isn't that surprising because since Boston's been leading the division, their home games are always PACKED. Me and Jana (she's from Oregon so she understands the West Coast vs. East Coast mentality from the same perspective as me) were surprised to see a very strong and vocal minority that were fiercely rooting for the Giants. Ultimately, however, it proved futile as the Giants kind of suck this year.

Since the seats we actually had weren't actually next to each other, we spent most of the game wandering around Fenway. We started at one of the food stands on the third floor during the first 2 innings. The game started at 2:05 and neither one of us had lunch prior so I got to have one of my favorite foods: baseball junk food! It's just like theater junk food except tastes slightly better and costs slightly more. In fact, it's very much like circus food or pub food. Except I'd venture to say that baseball food's much tastier. Anyway, during the course of the entire game, I managed to have an Italian sausage, fries, beer, Coke, and ice cream. Which isn't very much now that I think about it because the last time I was at Fenway I managed to have an Italian sausage, fries, beer, Coke, ice cream, pretzels, and more beer. That was too much food.

Anyway, the game itself was really fun to watch. The first inning was pretty crazy with the Sox scoring two runs early and the entire park going nuts. It was a fun way to start the game. I even called Gordon during the game to brag about being in Fenway. He was about to board a plane so he couldn't talk long but his quick text response was "Die in a fire." I don't think he wanted to spend his Father's Day on a plane.

So, at one point in the middle of the game, around the fifth inning, we managed to find seats that had been abandoned by another group of people. We sat down in those seats and discovered that they were really really close (like... next to) the Giants supporters. They were really really loud. It was pretty fun though watching the game with people that chanted "Let's Go Barry" while every other person in the park was booing. It was also while we were next to these people when, in the sixth inning, Barry hit a home run. They went BANANAS! Like cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs-bananas. It was quite a sight to see.

So, the Sox won, which was cool (I'm kind of a fan of the Sox. You can't really help it when you're in Boston. The fandom's infectious) but I got to see a Barry Bonds homerun during his Aaron chase. So, best of both worlds. =)

Anyway, after the game, we went to Border's and ran into Floren, a classmate and friend of Jana's who's Romanian. We all went to Super 88 after that to get groceries, which was kind of fun because I didn't know where the Super 88 nearest to my place was and now I do. Now I can get Chinese groceries, which probably won't really happen all that much but I have access to shrimp chips now, which is always a good thing.

That was Sunday: a fun game. and Monday meant back to work. Aside from the shit on Saturday, I think I'm fairly caught up now. I'll update soon after I find out about the shit from Saturday. Sorry, it'll make sense soon. Oh, I bought Mandy Moore's new album. It's pretty good. and I bought the Traveling Wilburys' anthology pack on iTunes. I've never even heard of the Traveling Wilburys before. It's a supergroup with Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty, so... no surprise they're really good, I suppose. So, good music recently. That's always fun. Especially considering the CD I'd been listening to prior to these two was "A Collection of Roxette Hits!" Not that Roxette's not good music also! I love Roxette. It's just... these are better. I think I have weird music tastes...

Anyway, that's enough of how weird I am. Hopefully today turns out to be a good Tuesday. We'll see.


Blogger Unknown said...

> I'm kind of a fan of the Sox. You can't really help it when you're in Boston. The fandom's infectious

If by "infectious", you mean obnoxious and vomit-inducing, then yes, Boston fandom is infectious.

And I could have told you where Super 88 is. It was my main frozen dumpling supplier!

10:29 AM  

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