Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Long time no post

So. Long time no post. It's been almost a month since my last post. Also, significantly, I came back from Taiwan since my last post. So I've been back in Boston for nearly a month now.

Boston is pretty much how I remember it. I mentioned before that we (me and my roommate Mike) moved. We used to live in the South End (off of Washington Street near the Washington/Mass Ave intersection... for those of you who actually know where that is). Currently we live pretty much amongst the Boston University dorms. (Near Fenway, right next to Audubon Circle.) It's a completely different atmosphere here. For one thing, this is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the BU dorms. I see students here ALL the time. Which is good because it's relatively safe (at least safer than our last place) and there's an air of lightness and youth. We're next to a highway tho (not to mention Comm Ave and Storrow) so there's a lot of traffic noise. The windows are good tho so it's not debilitating.

Around us now is a Taco Bell close by (whee!! I haven't had Taco Bell in so long! I love Taco Bell. Boo on you guys who don't like Taco Bell), as well as a grocery store right next to us. Not to mention Best Buy, Staples, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Star Market also pretty much right next to us (like... 5 min. walk? 10 min. walk? something like that). So overall, this is a pretty nice place.

Work's been good. Busy. MIT's Graduate Math Department just had their Spring Social party thingie (with 200+ ppl!! Plus stragglers...) which we catered. And for them, I made custom-designed special menus. I've been told they're pretty and I'm pretty proud of them myself. (I made an Atlantic Salmon from scratch on Photoshop!!) I also met a cool girl there who we offered a job to at Zigo and I hope she takes it because she's (among other things) a lit major! I miss having lit majors around me...

Red Sox beat the Yankees last weekend. Like BEAT the Yankees. 3-game sweep. It was good stuff. The whole of Boston is caught up in Dice-K fever to the extent that places like Game On and Cask 'n Flagon (two sports bars across the street from Fenway and 2 of the biggest places to catch games on game day. Like SUPER SUPER busy) have signs in Japanese which... welcome Dice-K, I suppose. I dunno what they really say. I can't read Japanese. I wanna get a Dice-K shirt. In fact, I probably will get a Dice-K shirt. I may be a die-hard Lakers fan and a homegrown Giants fan but the Red Sox are the only team that I own shirts for so far. I wonder if that just means I'm bandwagon? Probably

I read a good book recently called "Bento Box in the Heartland" which proclaims itself to be a "food memoir." It's a memoir about the author growing up as the daughter of the only Japanese family in Versailles, Indiana. It's a pretty good book and her writings on the chapters where she goes to Japan with her mom when she's 14 (I think 14. I can't quite remember the age) parallel my feelings about Taiwan. Read it! It's by Linda Furiya. Probably in the Non-Fiction section (or New Release because... well, it's a new release).

I've been watching Dead Like Me on DVD. Good show. Funny. The humor's pretty off-beat sometimes and hard to catch sometimes and the end-of-episode monologues don't always make sense (a la Grey's Anatomy) but it's a pretty worthwhile show to watch.

I've also had a separate thought in my head the last 2 days that I'll blog about in a separate post than this one. Having said that, I think I'm done with this post for now. I'll try to blog more often.


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