Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Another month down

So it looks like I let another month lapse on this blog thingamajigie. Oops.

Quick updates:

Let's see... last weekend, I went to Virginia with my roommate to visit our friend Alex (Kurianowicz [I think that's how it's spelled]) which was cool. It was Memorial Day Weekend so we had an extra day to putz around down there. Alex works in D.C. but lives in Centreville, Virginia: some 10 or 15 minutes away from D.C. We went to the nation's capitol and checked out the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, and Mt. Vernon. We also just hung with Alex on a general basis: going bowling and to a barbeque. Overall it was a fun trip except it sucked for my roommate because I can't drive stick so he had to drive the seven hours down and seven hours up by himself. Yeah, I suck on roadtrips. We also got lost in Jersey for about half an hour on the way up looking for a bathroom. Jersey is a hole; don't go there. I'm not kidding.

Work's good. Busy as usual but not as busy last week. It'll get busier this coming up week because we have some projects we're gonna be working on.

Cousin's getting married next weekend so I'll be in Pasadena... in a suit... the same suit I always wear to everything because I only own 1 suit. Still, it'll be fun.

This past weekend was alright. I didn't do anything yesterday (pretty much literally. I stayed in and enjoyed the air conditioning). Today I went up to the Davis Square to visit Pushpinder, our Indian food supplier in Zigo. He just opened up a takeout counter for his kitchen so I went up to wish him good luck. I ended up hanging out there for like 5 hours, cooking with him and talking about random things (mostly about how Chinese and Indian ppl raise their kids and how in 1 generation, we'll take over the world. He's very Indo-centric in his thinking, which isn't that bad and makes for generally funny conversations). I also made Roti bread and helped out with some Aloo Matar and Mango Lassi. Next time I get a chance to go up there, I'm going to try and get there hellza early so I can learn how to make Tikka Masala and hopefully Chicken Saagwala. Pushp's food is the best I've ever had.

Speaking of food: on Friday, we (as in Zigo) went out together to get dinner at Oasis, a Brazilian place. We went Brazilian to celebrate one of our new employees (Raquel) getting her student Visa. [She's Brazilian and so's Saulo, one of our kitchen peeps.] Man, this place was crazy good. The food amounts were gigantic. We all had this one drink that tasted like tequila with sugar and mint. It was hella good. I think I went to two or three glasses of that. I had a 22 oz. steak, which was, as it sounds, gigantic. Mike and Eduardo split a meal that was (supposedly) meant for one person which was 2 cuts of steak, 3 chicken breasts, and a sausage skewered on a giant sword. Ok, the sword was GIANT for a sword. It was probably about four foot tall. It was still amazing and delicious. We ended our meal with a bunch of Mousse de Maracuja (Passionfruit Mousse). Delish. Y'all should go get some Brazilian food RIGHT NOW.

I spent the rest of today watching TV. We had, for about an hour concurrently, the Democratic Candidate debate from New Hampshire and the third game in a series between the Yankees and the Sox so I was channel-hopping between those two. For awhile, the debate was way more interesting because the candidates weren't holding back. Dennis Kucinich (who I didn't even know was in the race until tonight... [actually, now that I really think about it, I think Amanda mentioned something several months ago but it was in passing and I didn't know anything]) came off as a radical left-wing candidate and I lost respect for Chris Dodd for looking like kind of a crazy person. Hilary, the front-runner, looked comfortable but slightly out-of-place. Perhaps it's because I think I'm biased against her. She looked like she was having fun tho and I can see how she'd be the front-runner.

The real winner of the debate, in my opinion, is Barack Obama. Obama showed leadership and confidence as well as an ease and wit that's required for the public office. I don't know how smart he really is or what his position really is but as a candidate, he seems tailor-made for the Presidential Election. My favorite, however, was Mike Gravel. He's old and kind of ramble-y but at one point toward the end of the election, he flat-out said something along the lines of "We have a deficit and all the candidates are talking about creating this program or that program, none of which will happen." So he basically said that everybody was a liar and it made me laugh for a good 30 seconds. I like it when a candidate accuses everybody else in his party of being full of shit.

The game was pretty good too, at least halfway through. Yeah, the Yankees won, but it was a hard-fought victory and I can't say they didn't earn it. It was an edge-of-your-seat game for the last 5 innings and even down to the last pitch, nobody left early and everybody was on their feet at Fenway. Win or lose, those are the best games.

I bought the Maroon 5 cd on iTunes. Can't stop listening to it. So good. Love it. Get it now.

I think that's it for me for now. I'll try to post more regularly in the future, which is something I always intend to try for real but never succeed in. We'll see what happens on this go-around.


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