Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dawning of the Golden Age?

Ok, two links:


Scientists found a substance with the chemical formula of sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide. A Google search (ok, they said "Internet Search." Let's face it. They probably just Google'd it) showed that that particular chemical formula was written on the outside of the museum case prop in the movie Superman Returns for KRYPTONITE.

2.) New York Times story
(Sorry if you can't read the story. It might need a NY Times account. I can't tell because I have an account. [GET ONE! It's free!!])

European astronomers found the most likely candidate yet for a planet that could possibly support life on other planets in the Libra constellation about 20 light years from Earth. It's a planet circling a dim red star named "Gliese 581" that's about 5 times the mass of Earth.

Hm... let's think now. We find KRYPTONITE and now we find a planet that could support life that happens to be DENSER than Earth and orbits a RED SUN. Could this be the beginning of the Golden Age of DC??

(Ok, I'm not stupid enough to actually believe that SUPERMAN is going to just appear. You gotta admit tho: the timing's pretty cool.)

Ideologically, Superman (who's been called the father of superheroes) came about in the 30's from 2 Jewish writers. America was in a state of inner turmoil because of the Depression while Hitler was running wild as a terrorist out of control in Europe. Wait... isn't America currently in a state of inner turmoil (ok, not because of a depression and not as serious as the 30's were) while there are terrorists running wild and out of control in Europe (not to mention everywhere else)? HMMMM... Superman may not be appearing on the horizon anytime soon but that's not to say that the world's not in need of some superheroes right now.


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