Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bush = jackass (Big Shock, I know)

George W. Bush gets my official Jackass badge of shame!

(Ok, MTV's official Jackass badge of shame. Whatever =P)

And why is our illustrious president a jackass? (Aside from previously stated reasons.) Concerning his recently revealed 2 years of secret surveillance on America citizens:

"'Leaders in the United States Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this program,' Mr. Bush said. 'And it has been effective in disrupting the enemy while safeguarding our personal liberties. This program has targeted those with known links to Al Qaeda.'

'My personal opinion is, it was a shameful act for someone to disclose this very important program in a time of war,' Mr. Bush said. 'The fact that we're discussing this program is helping the enemy.'"
-- From the New Yorks Times article

So.... let's see now: it has been revealed (by the New York Times. Yay for journalism!) that Bush secretly authorized unmitigated surveillance on American citizens without a court order, something which is illegal for 99.9% of America but I guess is alright for our commander-in-chief, 3-4 years ago. Then, while being questioned on it at a press briefing, Bush calls it a legal and necessary [HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE]and has announced that it will continue. He has stated that while it's only been used for international communication [HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE], they would not hesitate to [ILLEGALY] eavesdrop on domestic communication. [EXCUSE ME?!?!] Bush then uses the post-9/11 bullshit rhetoric about "anybody who questions this government is a traitor to America" to criticize whoever leaked this story. [DOES IT NOT BOTHER HIM THAT THERE WERE NSA OFFICIALS AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO WERE AGAINST THIS FROM THE BEGINNING?!?!!] "Helping the enemy"? Our president-elect [HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE] is a Jackass.

According to the same New York Times article, Bush "with some heat in his voice," shot down a reporter who questioned where he was "trying to assume 'dictatorial powers'" and while he "criticized those senators who have so far blocked renewal of the USA Patriot Act."

Between this and the trying to push through an amendment stating making gay marriage unconstitutional, I'm beginning to wonder if W. knows what the Constitution is for. Or what it says. Or what it is. I'm beginning to wonder if Bush passed 8th grade History/Social Science class.

BTW, while we're on the subject of him, Bush, last night, also talked about the "success" of the Iraq war. He said: "my fellow citizens, not only can we win the war in Iraq, we are winning the war in Iraq." That's good to hear. Too bad it's not true.

"I do not expect you to support everything I do, but tonight I have a request: Do not give in to despair, and do not give up on this fight for freedom." Makes me wonder if he understand why we don't support him or on what issue we don't support him. Also makes me wonder if he knows what "despair" means.

And the most ironic statement award goes to House Speaker Dennis Hastert: "House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois said House Republicans would stand firm against any calls for withdrawal 'despite attempts by some Democrats to play politics with this war and America's national security.'" (From

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the jackass who is running our nation. No wonder Canada's looking so nice this time of year.


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