Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Thought Dump

I haven't been posting too much today. In all honesty, I haven't been reading too much today on stuff that usually provoke posting thoughts. Truth to tell, I've been reading about Magic: The Gathering =P. Yes yes, I still like it. Yes, I'm still interested in it. Yes, it's still very much alive. I think it's a very unique gaming system and very strategic and very fun. Well, ultimately, I'm just a nerd. =P Anyway, new set coming out soon. That's what I was reading about.

Anyway, what else is in the news? John Roberts is going to be confirmed as the next Chief Justice of the United States. Strangely enough (to me at least), I'm not anxious about this at all. I thought I would be. I'm not. Roberts hasn't given me any indication that he's not going to do a good job. Remember, he's replacing Rehnquist, a staunch conservative who was very active and very vocal. Assuming Roberts sticks to his own self-proclaimed game plan, he's not going to go all willy-nilly and try to repeal Roe v. Wade or anything. At least, not until the next Justice gets nominated. So, congrats to Chief Justice Roberts.

Hurricane Rita's getting really crazy. It's a category 5 now and headed to Texas. My blessings to the people in Texas trying to get out. Ironically, (just in my mind) we have a family friend who's coming here from Texas tonight. She and her daughter are coming to California because her daughter's starting school again soon (Stanford). After Katrina, however, FEMA should be better prepared. They've already begun taking preliminary cautions. Hm... Katrina hits Florida. Refugees go to Texas. Rita hits Texas. Think God's trying to be funny? Or else, there's somebody in that crowd of refugees who God really doesn't like. OR, and this is being off-the-charts cynical which I apologize for ahead of time, Jeb's governor of Florida. Dubya was governor of Texas. HMMM..... A clue, Sherlock. Regardless, I wish Texas nothing but good thoughts. They're proabably going to need it. (As a side note, if you haven't yet, donate to Red Cross. They really need it right now and they're probably going to need it EVEN MORE in the coming weeks.)

I'm supporting Google in the book thing mostly because of the thought of the project, not because of any legal reasoning. I think it's a wonderful thing that they're trying to document books and put them online. It'll be research easier and it'll catalogue human knowledge in a way that it's really never been formally done. Hopefully, it'll lead to the expansion of our knowledge and we're able to go back and revisit texts that we've forgotten. Also, the RIAA is seriously scary. They're acting more and more like a mafia: protecting their "territory," trying to get people to pay "protection money," having friends in high places who'll prosecute. SCARY. Hopefully, they calm the F down. Trying to put copy protection in digital radio recorders?? Punks! REVOLT AGAINST THE RIAA! =)

Other than that, not much else comes to mind. Hope everybody had/has a good Wednesday.


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