Rumble, young man, rumble

May 25, 1965. Muhammed Ali vs. Sonny Liston. One round. One punch. Knock-out. Float, Sting, Rumble

Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States

What can I say? I graduated from UC Santa Cruz (rather reluctantly. I really want to go back) with a bachlor's in Literature.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Anti-Robin Hood

So, this has been bugging me for a bit. Why is George W. still giving tax cuts for the rich? Don't we need the money now: you know, as a nation? I mean, we've got that whole Iraq war/imperialization still happening. That's costing billions of dollars a year. After Hurricane Katrina, there are another billions upon billions of dollars that could are needed. California's going through an energy crisis. Gas prices are completely out of control ($3.00 a gallon???).

I know that Republicans are saying that Democrats are trying to politicize Katrina and place blame with Bush because we (as Democrats) enjoy placing blame. And, while we have been placing blame rather quickly, it's rather hypocritical to say that only the Left has placed blame on a tragedy. Let's not forget that the Right were quick to point to Bill Clinton's lack of action as a catalyst for 9/11 as well as using 9/11 commercial spots in the 2004 election after promising in 2001 that they wouldn't, in deference to the victims and their families. (Btw, we've had 2 major tragedies in America during the 2 terms of presidency of Dubya. Not to mention the fact that we still have 3 more years of the Boy Prince in office. Is God trying to send us a message??)

So, here we are. Both sides have tried their darndest to help Katrina victims. Red Cross is raising money. Texas has opened its doors. Current President, past Presidents, celebrities galore have visited Nu 'Awlins (New Orleans) in support. And we are left with trying to find meaning in this tragedy. Could this be in part on the shoulders of our current government? After all, Bush did criticize the existence of FEMA, cutting millions of dollars from it in order to support the troops in Iraq and give tax cuts to the rich (emphasis on the Rich).

Is it too much to hope that Bush will go public in the next couple of weeks and announce that in this time, with the country in great need, that the money would do better in the hands of the Federal Governement rather than go back to the (rich) people of America? [And, to be completely pessimistic, could it be that Louisiana is a "Blue State," just like California? And the gas price lack of action may be because Bush 2.0 was brought into the office with Texas oil money? Or is that too cynical? Just a passing thought.] Politics.


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